Nature's Rule Breakers: Creatures That Don't Fit In
Publisher: Millbrook Press (October 3, 2023)
ISBN-10: 1728477204
ISBN-13: 978-1728477206
A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection
"Not your ordinary display of interesting and appealing animals, this offering has an important message for young readers and the adults who care for them."
- Kirkus Reviews
Some rules are meant to be broken, even those in the animal kingdom!
You're probably familiar with many of the common categories scientists use for animals: warm-blooded or cold-blooded, nocturnal or diurnal. But what about the animals that don't fit in? Sharks cannot be classified as warm or cold-blooded―they are somewhere in-between. And Eurasian eagle owls don't hunt during the day or night. Instead, they swoop through the trees at dawn and dusk. Author and science educator Jessica Fries-Gaither introduces seven common categories scientists use and the animals that break those rules. Gorgeous, full-color photos will captivate budding scientists with every read!

Nature's Rule Breakers has been featured on these blogs and websites:
"Six Questions with Jessica Fries-Gaither." (Mary Boone's 6 Questions blog)
"2023 Science and Nature Books." (31 Days, 31 Lists, FuseEight)
" Investigating the Structure and Function of Rule-Breaking Plants." (Beth Anderson's blog)
"Meet the In-Betweeners." (Sue Heavenrich's blog, Archimedes Notebook)
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