Book News!
I shared this news on other social media outlets about a month ago, but better late than never, right?
Spring Events
I've got a couple exciting events in the next month that I wanted to share with you. Read Local Author Fair Saturday, March 23, 1-3 pm...
Exemplary Evidence Book Signing
If you're in or near Columbus, OH, consider joining me for a book signing to celebrate the release of Exemplary Evidence: Scientists and...

New Book! Exemplary Evidence: Scientists and Their Data
I'm excited to share that my newest children's book, Exemplary Evidence: Scientists and Their Data, is soon-to-be in the world. It is...

Notable Notebooks and Story Time From Space
Some terribly exciting news came yesterday -- the video of Notable Notebooks being read from the International Space Station was finally...

NSTA National Conference 2018
Last week, I joined thousands of science educators in Atlanta for the National Science Teachers Association national conference. It's one...

Notable Notebooks is on the International Space Station!
It has been a terribly exciting week. On Monday, the SpaceX CRS-12 Dragon spacecraft was launched from Kennedy Space Center. In its 6,400...
Notable Notebooks Featured in Columbus Dispatch
Notable Notebooks: Scientists and Their Writings made the front page of the Life & Entertainment section of the Columbus Dispatch today!...
Guest Post and a Giveaway
Head on over to the wonderful blog, Sharing Our Notebooks, for a guest post I wrote on Notable Notebooks and how my students use their...